CM 1528075 - Ramadan Icon Bundle » Free Download Vector Stock Image
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  • Views: 2 968
  • Author: admin
  • Date: 10-06-2017, 13:50
10-06-2017, 13:50

CM 1528075 - Ramadan Icon Bundle

Category: VECTOR

CM 1528075 - Ramadan Icon BundleCM 1528075 - Ramadan Icon BundleCM 1528075 - Ramadan Icon Bundle

CM 1528075 - Ramadan Icon Bundle
Eid Mubarak!! Ramadan Icons - A set of 30 unique Vector Icons in 13 different styles! Celebrate this Ramadan with a set of 390 Vector Icons! What's Included: mecca, shahada (faith), charity, moon, crescent, lamp, crescent + hands, star + hands, taqiya (prayer cap), desert, tomb, quran, moon + mosque, festival flag, read quran, arab, moon + stars, lantern, gift, accept gift, ramadan gift, aladdin lamp, muslim man praying, mosque, salat (prayer), decoration, camel, mosque + hands, carpet, mosque location.

Tags: CM 1528075 - Ramadan Icon Bundle
